Saturday, February 9, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 9 February 2013

With federal tax credit renewed, new life breathed into wind industry
Feb. 8, 2013 - Last Christmas, about midafternoon, high winds that brought yet another cold front through Texas contributed to a new wind power record, at one point providing about 26 percent of the electricity on the state’s grid.

The power registered from the turbines just after 3 p.m. on Dec. 25 was 8,638 megawatts, or enough to power just over 4.3 million homes.

But midafternoon on a cold December day isn’t a time of high electricity use. Most Texas homes are warmed by natural gas, and the sun would have been high enough in the sky that televisions and other appliances — not lights — might have consumed the most electricity. In August, by contrast, when electricity use is high due to amped-up air conditioning and when breezes for driving wind turbines are light, wind provided 5 percent of the power on the electric grid. read more>>>

Homewind: Wind Turbines, Power Kits & Components

In Afghanistan Solar Dryers Make Big Impact

02/08/2013 - Afghan women in the Kapisa Province train to work with solar food dryers that the men of the area have learned to build.

‘Green economy needs to be opted to improve social equity’
February 9, 2013 - Green economy is needed more than ever but it needs to be embedded in social and democratic procedures.

This was the crux of an expert talk by Barbara Unmuessig, President of the Heinrich Boell Stiftung (HBS), on Friday.

The event titled “Green Economy – The New Magic Bullet” was jointly organised by Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and HBS on Unmuessig’s visit to Pakistan, said a press release.

Unmuessig was of the view that to combat climate change, it is crucial to switch from a fossil-fuel based economy to a more efficient model run on renewable energies. read more>>>

econscious - organic and sustainable apparel

The Opportunities and Limitations of a Green Economy
08.02.2013 - Dr. Ulrich Hoffmann, Interview with Deutsche Welle about Opportunities and Limitations of a Green Economy. Dr. Hoffmann is slated to speak at the 2013 Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany

Ulrich Hoffmann is the chief advisor to the head of theTrade and Sustainable Development Section at the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva. He is also the editor-in-chief of UNCTAD's annual Trade and Environment Review.

International business and trade are important factors in the context of globalization. How would you describe the economy's basic stance on a green economy and where do you see drawbacks? read more>>>

Adopting green economy to drive growth
February 9, 2013 - In the global village, 'environment' is the basic pillar for economic development and social well-being today. Unbridled consumption and extraction to force growth damaging the natural capital upon which all life on the world depends is no more desirable. However, the global dichotomy between economic development and environment protection is still lodged in the outlook of individuals, policy makers, and governments. Besides sustainable development, the paradigm for understanding the relationship between economic development and environmental protection has largely failed to reform economic decision making in the way originally intended.

We stand at a critical time in Earth's history. The identification of 'green economy' as a significant opportunity to define a new global economic paradigm has taken place. The United Nations conference on sustainable development known as Rio+20 hosted in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil had agenda on green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication as well as international framework for sustainable development. read more>>> the world's most responsible green hosting company

Renewable energy brings power to the rural corners of Argentina
08 February 2013 - Cooking, heating water, or the house during winter, reading, listening to the radio, charging your phone, using the computer, watching TV -- most people take these activities for granted in the 21st century, but for thousands of inhabitants in Argentina’s remote rural communities without electricity it is a challenge.

Nearly 150,000 homes still do not have this basic service, most of them in the northern part of the country.

Since 1999, the Renewable Energy in Rural Markets Project (PERMER) has aimed to put an end to this situation. Supported by the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the initiative connects homes and schools to clean energy sources such as solar panels and windmills. read more>>>

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