Friday, February 8, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 8 February 2013

Clean Energy Tied to National Security, Official Says
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2013 – The changing U.S. and international energy pictures have a profound effect on security, a senior Pentagon official said here yesterday.

Sharon E. Burke, the assistant secretary of defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs, told industry partners and congressional leaders at the American Council on Renewable Energy's National Renewable Energy Policy Forum that the motivation for seeking out clean energy sources is strongly rooted in national security interests.

The International Energy Agency’s world energy outlook, released in November, is “the shot heard ’round the world,” Burke said. According to the report, she said, the world will need $37 trillion dollars in new investment in the energy supply system from now to 2035. read more>>>

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$150M in manufacturing tax credits up for grabs
February 7, 2013 - The U.S. Departments of Energy and the Treasury have made available $150 million in Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credits for clean energy and energy-efficiency manufacturing projects across the United States.

The Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit was established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to support investment in domestic, clean energy and energy-efficiency manufacturing facilities through a competitively-awarded 30 percent investment tax credit. The initial round provided $2.3 billion in credits to 183 projects across the country. The $150 million in tax credits are available because they were not used by previous awardees. read more>>>

Congress has opp to shape energy efficiency with tax reform
February 7, 2013 - With tax reform, Congress will have many opportunities to both promote energy efficiency and remove barriers to its implementation, according to a new report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

"Tax reform will be a major topic of discussion in Congress in upcoming months, and energy efficiency should be part of the conversation," said Steven Nadel, ACEEE's executive director and the report's lead author. "Since energy efficiency leads to job growth, increased productivity, and a cleaner environment, it's only common sense that Congress should consider these changes as they rewrite the tax code."

The report suggests that tax reforms should take place in several areas, including promoting capital investment in manufacturing, encouraging advanced energy-saving technologies, and rationalizing depreciation schedules. read more>>>

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Kazakhstan focuses on green economy
8 February 2013 - The upcoming Expo 2017 exhibition to be held in Astana is expected to give a powerful boost to the country's transition to a "green" way of development. The Head of State mentioned it in his recent Kazakhstan-2050 development strategy. According to the participants of the seminar on the prospects of the green economy development in Kazakhstan, this event will surely be a great advantage in establishing the country's role in the world as a regional leader in implementing the green economy principles. The list of recommendations given by the UNDP experts includes the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the district heating system, the development of sustainable agriculture, effective waste management and the promotion of green transport. read more>>>

About the Campus Climate Challenge
The Campus Climate Challenge is a nationwide campaign to move colleges & universities to be leaders in the fight against climate change.

Students and universities can lead the fight against climate change, but we must do more, and go further. Thanks to years of student organizing, over 700 campuses have committed to carbon neutrality, and colleges & universities are the 3rd largest purchasers of renewable energy in the country. It’s a huge accomplishment, but an even bigger responsibility & opportunity.

We’re making progress, but campuses continue to support dirty energy that is fueling the climate crisis, and making people sick. read more>>>

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The Real Cost of NIMBYism
07 February 2013 - All over the world renewable energy projects are being delayed or stopped entirely due to the NIMBY or “not in my backyard” phenomenon, this is a case that often involves people in communities who stall developments in their areas due to a variety of reasons. NIMBYism is not limited to the United States, it is global. The amount of revenue and jobs that have been lost or delayed due to public opposition and protest to renewable energy projects is astounding.

Wind farm projects in Staffordshire County, UK have been delayed due to community resistance. Wind farms would serve as a good renewable energy source for the region, but the community feels the development would harm their rural communities and prevent tourism. The community concerns have now reached the government and the project has continued to be stalled. read more>>>

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