Monday, February 4, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 4 February 2013

GE Sees U.S. Wind Credit Muting Slump in Turbine Demand
January 31, 2013 - The extension of a U.S. wind-power tax credit will temper a plunge in demand for turbines over the next two years, according to the chief of General Electric Co. (GE)’s renewable energy unit.

Installations in 2013 and 2014 may match the average annual levels that preceded a rush to finish projects by the end of 2012, when the credit was set to expire, GE Vice President Vic Abate said today. U.S. demand had been about 5,000 megawatts to 6,000 megawatts a year before that surge, he said.

“You could see that kind of average holding, with ’13 being a little under the average and ’14 being a little over,” Abate said in a telephone interview. Turbine installations totaled more than 13,000 megawatts last year, and “I don’t think we get there again,” he said. read more>>> - Buy Best Electronic Gadgets, Laptop Parts, Computer Components, Cell Phone Accessories!

National energy standard
2/4/2013 - The Obama Administration and Congress need to enact an ambitious, practical energy policy. They can start with a national standard for renewable energy.

Many states, including Ohio and Michigan, have laws that require utilities to invest more in wind, solar, and biomass energy and other forms of renewable power. The laws are getting results, yet their competing rules and incentives create a tug of war among states for investors.

A federal standard would help level the playing field among states, give investors greater market certainty, and create jobs. Renewable energy requires a long-term commitment to entice developers to create wind farms and solar projects, and manufacturers to build parts for them. read more>>>

The Rapid Rise of UK Offshore Wind
29 January 2013 - The U.K. is committed to getting 15 percent of its total energy and 20 percent of its power from renewables by 2020. Scotland is committed to getting half of its power from renewables by 2015 and all of its power from renewables by 2020.

To meet these targets, the U.K. has already built 2.67 gigawatts of Europe’s 4.3 total installed gigawatts of offshore wind. It is estimated the U.K. has the potential to deploy 18 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2020 and 40 gigawatts by 2030.

Scotland has 190 megawatts of installed offshore capacity.

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Trending: Energy information online
February 4, 2013 - The trend of consumers wanting to access energy-related information online is growing. This is according to a consumer survey conducted by energy management solutions provider Comverge.

The survey of 1,034 energy users indicates that consumers want to simplify how they engage with their energy usage. More than half (57 percent) of respondents said that they would prefer to have a centralized repository to manage all their utility driven energy consumption -- even more so with the younger generation (69 percent).

A majority of respondents -- 72 percent -- access details of their energy use via paper statements but only 58 percent want to in the future. The rest want an online energy reality check. read more>>>

Caribbean Green Economy Project
Advancing Caribbean States’ Sustainable Development Agenda through Green Economy

The overall objective of this project is to enable countries in the Caribbean to advance sustainable development through the design and implementation of policies that result in a strong and sustainable economy, which is environmentally responsible and socially inclusive.

It will provide technical assistance and capacity building support to selected Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to identify and realize economic growth, poverty reduction and ecosystems’ improvement opportunities offered by a green economic transformation. read more>>>

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Zigbee supporting burgeoning connected home market
January 30, 2013 - Everybody knows about the benefits of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in wireless networking. And now Zigbee is joining the party in full force, enabling an explosion in interest in the connected home energy market.

It's apparent at this week's DistribuTECH conference in San Diego that utilities and vendors -- even those who have not traditionally been in the energy market -- are looking for ways to make energy monitoring easy and efficient. But getting customers involved means brining simplicity and value, and Zigbee is one technology that is playing a central role as third party developers ramp up offerings in the energy market. read more>>>

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