Thursday, February 21, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 21 February 2013

Solar panel project nears completion at VA center
February 18, 2013 - The solar panel project at Thomas E. Creek Veterans Affairs Medical Center is scheduled for completion next month despite delays.

Construction crews started the installation of the solar panels in March. Instead of covering 570 parking spaces, as originally planned, the number increased to 721 after extra parking was added, energy engineer Sam Hagins said.

“We’re scheduled to close out the contract on the sixth of March, but that’s probably not going to happen,” he said. “... But we may have to extend it due to the snow and ice we had around the holidays. Also, two weeks ago, it got too cold and the guys just could not work, so it’s a possibility that it could be extended.”

No extra costs will be accrued because of the delay, Hagins said. read more>>>

ComEd shows off smart grid
Electrical system could save consumers money

February 14,2013 - What if there were no longer a need to call the power company when the power goes out? What if appliances shut themselves off to save money? And what if it were possible to predict your next electricity bill?

On Feb. 5, power giant Commonwealth Edison hosted several exhibitors at the Prairie Capital Convention Center to display a futuristic “smart grid” system that will do all of that and more when it’s rolled out over the next 10 years.

In October 2011, the Illinois General Assembly passed the Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act, which authorized a $2.6 billion investment by ComEd to modernize the state’s electrical grid. ComEd has started construction of the smart grid electrical system but has not yet replaced old meters with new “smart” meters in the homes of all their customers.

Although Springfield is not part of ComEd’s territory, eventually all of Illinois will be phased in to the smart grid system. read more>>>

Responsible Energy Corporation

Microgrids, Alternative Fuels And Vehicles, Emphasis On Natural Gas Part Of State's Energy Plan
February 19, 2013 - Royal Ice Cream in Manchester, CT cited as example of why it makes sense for state's businesses to switch to natural gas. Conversion should pay for itself in about five months. Savings are $7,290 annually.

Gov. Dannel P. Malloy joined a host of state and local leaders at Royal Ice Cream in Manchester on Tuesday to unveil a portion of his Comprehensive Energy Strategy, which the governor believes will put Connecticut on "a clear path toward cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable energy."

Malloy chose Royal Ice Cream, which has been owned and operated by the Orfitelli family since 1926, because the local business recently converted from heating oil to natural gas and realized a major savings on its monthly fuel bills. Such conversations are a cornerstone of Malloy's new energy strategy. read more>>>

Chu: ‘Damaging’ Sequester Would ‘Decelerate the Clean Energy Economy’
DOE Secretary Steven Chu warns that sequestration would put thousands of people out of work, kill important research projects, and make the grid less secure.

Strike up a conversation with a random person in a Washington, D.C. bar these days, and the chitchat is likely to circle around to the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts set to hit federal agencies in March.

With 30 percent of D.C. residents working for the government, chances are good that that person is facing a major cut in pay or possible loss of a job. read more>>>

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Home Solar Systems to Be an Option for Honda Customers
February 19, 2013 - Automakers have long resorted to incentives like zero-percent financing, rewards points and rebates to inspire customer loyalty. Now Honda is offering a different deal: inexpensive home solar power systems for customers.

Through a partnership with SolarCity, a residential and commercial installer, Honda and Acura will offer their customers home solar systems at little or no upfront cost, the companies said on Tuesday. The automaker will also offer its dealers preferential terms to lease or buy systems from SolarCity on a case-by-case basis, executives said. read more>>>

30 Countries Get Help Turning the PAGE to a Green Economy
02/20/2013 - Four United Nations agencies have launched a partnership that will help countries develop national green economy strategies, Partnership for Action on Green Economy.

Over the next seven years, the goal is to support 30 countries in "turning the page" toward reliance on clean technologies, which will reduce environmental risks and poverty. They will start by helping seven countries in a pilot over the next two years.

"The ultimate intention is to achieve environmental sustainability, decent job creation, reduced poverty and improved human well being," they say. read more>>>

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