Thursday, March 7, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 7 March 2013

Let's Get to Work: Register Now for Good Jobs, Green Jobs
Register Today for Good Jobs, Green Jobs 2013

This year's theme is Let’s Get to Work: Climate Change, Infrastructure and Innovation. We know that climate change is no longer a possibility, it’s a reality. Hurricane Sandy and the drought of 2012 showed America what climate change could do to our communities, economy and environment.

Register now and book your hotel room for the Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference in Washington, D.C., April 16-18, 2013 and save! Registration for two days of exciting plenary sessions and insightful workshops is only $225. In addition, hotel rooms are discounted through March 25.

"Read More" to see their new flexible registration options.

2nd Annual Solar Latin America Summit set for December
27 February 2013 - The second annual Solar Latin America Summit will be held 9-10 December 2013 in Santiago, Chile.

The aim of the event, which is expected to draw at least 150 carefully screened and personally invited C-level directors, heads of alternative energy development and investment executives from the largest financial institutions, is intended to shape the region’s solar energy future.

Due to increasing energy demands, Latin America has seen a surge in interest for alternative and renewable energies. read more>>>

Chelsea Green Publishing - the leading publisher of sustainable living books since 1985.

The Planet Reborn
Six years ago The Planet print newsletter -- "the Sierra Club's Activist Resource" -- went out of circulation after a 13-year run, and the Scrapbook blog was born. Now, after half a dozen years, Scrapbook, too, is being reborn as The Planet: Sierra Club stories from the front lines.

The Planet will continue to feature activist profiles and stories about the Club’s campaigns and successes, while expanding its scope to include opinion pieces, politics, and writing that relates to the Club's priority issues -- a lively mix that reflects the Sierra Club's vision and dynamism. Check it out and tell us what you think.

Philippine cities tackle climate change
DAVAO, 6 March 2013 (IRIN) - When asked what resilience means, the head of city planning for the Philippines’ second largest city, Davao, said that for Filipinos it means how high floodwater reaches before they agree to be evacuated. “In our most recent flooding, that level was chest-high,” said Roberto Alabado III, referring to flooding in mid-January that affected thousands of city dwellers, most in slum areas, who refused evacuation until they were chest-deep in floodwater.

“That’s our limit,” Alabado wryly noted.

Davao is one of four cities the government has identified as being at high risk of climate-related hazards. It was near the path of the Category 5 (winds of at least 250km per hour) Typhoon Bopha that hit the southern island of Mindanao in early December, leading to some 2,000 people dead or missing. read more>>>

EcoloBlue Life & Energy

A green-collar rethink can kickstart London’s economy
George Osborne should stop digging a hole for London’s future and plant the seeds of a modern, green economy

05 March 2013 - Finding trouble on his doorstep should be no surprise to the Chancellor. But a fake gas drilling operation on his village green yesterday probably wasn’t what he expected. The demonstration by Greenpeace in Knutsford, Cheshire, in George Osborne’s constituency, was to draw attention to the controversial process of fracking, used to extract gas trapped in layers of rock. But it should serve as a reminder that if you’re stuck in a hole, stop digging.

Osborne’s problem is that he’s trying to get the country going again by resurrecting business as usual based on a broken economic model. The village green demonstration illustrates how London is in danger of being trapped in the old economy — and the importance of some fresh thinking. read more>>>

Perfect storm of market conditions bad for coal plants
March 6, 2013 - Despite a billion dollar investment in plant upgrades, Dominion's Brayton Point Coal Plant has been deemed financially unsustainable in a report commissioned by the Conservation Law Foundation.

The independent analysis released by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis found that the once profitable 50-year-old power plant's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization are plummeting due to a "perfect storm of market conditions" that are projected to continue at least through 2020. These conditions make it unlikely that Brayton Point will ever recoup its recent $1 billion investment in upgrades to the facility and likely that it will continue to bleed money. read more>>>

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