Thursday, March 21, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 21 March 2013

Solar Energy USA - Arizona 8Kw DIY Solar Kit
March 19, 2013 is proud to announce the completion of 8Kw solar energy system in Phoenix Arizona. These DIY solar kits will provide enough green power to the two office buildings that are housed on them. Payback for the systems will be 5~7 years due to local utility incentive programs and 30% tax benefit from the federal government.

The 8Kw system will save the equivalent of:
Gallons of foreign oil not needed for the year: 683
Pounds of waste recycled for the year: 6,494
Annual CO2 offsets (LBS) 18,033

Solar America Begins Second Project in Mexico
March 19, 2013 - Solar America Corp. (OTCBB: SOLX) announced today that it has executed a Memorandum of Understanding with Habitables Innca S.A. de C.V., the principal contractor for the San Nicolas housing project in Guadalajara. Under the terms of the Memorandum Solar America will be the exclusive provider of solar power and solar lighting solutions for San Nicolas project.

This residential project will reduce the carbon footprint of San Nicolas de la Primavera, a Guadalajara subdivision as well as showcase Solar America's innovative solutions. Solar America's alliance with Habitables Innca marks the expansion of the company’s efforts in Mexico, where Solar America is also participating in the Los Conejos housing project. read more>>>

EcoloBlue Life & Energy

No Longer Emerging: California's Green Economy Grows Up
March 19, 2013 - Sometimes getting bigger isn't the same as growing up. California's cleantech economy has slowed its intense growth cycle in recent months, but the emergence of new credit-worthy investors and intensifying technology innovation in the state has helped consolidate the gains of the last few years.

That's the message of the latest California Green Innovation Index, released today by the organization Next 10 and compiled by Collaborative Economics. read more>>>

Research and Markets: Emphasis on Electrification and Power Reliability to Drive Microgrid Market in the Future
Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Emphasis on Electrification and Power Reliability to Drive Microgrid Market in the Future" report to their offering.

GlobalData's report Emphasis on Electrification and Power Reliability to Drive Microgrid Market in the Future provides an analysis on the increasing adoption of microgrid with increasing need of electrification and power reliability. The increasing efforts toward improving electrification and power reliability seen in various parts of the world in recent years will enable the growth of the microgrid market in the future. read more>>>

Wind & Weather: $1.99 Standard Shipping on orders of $75 or more! Use Code: LSPRNGWW

Japan Recommends Cutting Solar Tariff as Equipment Prices Fall
March 11, 2013 - Japan’s solar developers would get 10 percent less for the power they feed to utilities under a recommendation a government panel made after taking into account a plunge in the cost of panels.

The committee of experts advising the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry today said the rate should be cut to 37.8 yen (39 cents) per kilowatt hour for 20 years for applications from April 1. The current rate is 42 yen. The government must endorse the proposal before it comes into force. read more>>>

Time for a multi-billion green alternative economic plan, says Lucas
20 Mar 2013 - Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, has responded to Chancellor Osborne's flat-lining economy budget with an ambitious 'Plan G' alternative.

“Amidst the tax breaks for shale gas and boastful roadbuilding pledges, there is one huge green economy-shaped hole in this flailing Chancellor’s Budget," Ms Lucas said this afternoon (20 March 2013).

She continued: “With the UK’s green economy now worth over £120 billion – nine per cent of GDP – providing nearly a million jobs and generating a third of our most recent economic growth according to the CBI, it is completely inexplicable that George Osborne keeps pretending it doesn’t exist.

“Given the huge potential of green industries and clean energy generation to provide British jobs and prosperity, as well as the obvious environmental benefits they will deliver, it’s time to drop austerity and go for Plan G. read more>>>

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