Thursday, March 28, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 28 March 2013

Solar Plane Prepares for Flight Across America
March 28, 2013 - A solar-powered plane that has wowed aviation fans in Europe is preparing to fly across North America.

The Swiss creators of the Solar Impulse are announcing Thursday which U.S. cities the experimental plane will visit during its "Across America" tour that kicks off in May.

Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg will display the aircraft and discuss the cross-country trip at a news conference at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View. read more>>>

10 bike-friendly cities around the globe
Where bicycles rule

People who want to enjoy an Earth-friendly vacation often seek out public transportation when they visit a city. Trains and buses can significantly lower a traveler’s carbon footprint — and so can walking. But what about bicycles? Most urban areas have some sort of bike scene, but dangerous roads and lots of car traffic (not to mention aggressive drivers) can make it hazardous to undertake a pedal-powered sightseeing tour. read more>>>

Smart Solar 22300R01 Ceramic Solar Frog Fountain - Glazed Green (Google Affiliate Ad)

U.S. seeks land conservation to adapt to climate change
March 26, 2013 - How to protect plants and animals from climate change? That's the goal behind a new climate adaptation strategy released by the Obama administration.

Climate change threatens U.S. fish, wildlife and plants, including brook trout, the lesser prairie-chicken and the Joshua tree, the Obama administration said Tuesday in releasing its first national strategy on climate adaptation. read more>>>

Arctic ice loss may drive extreme weather patterns
March 26, 2013 - Anyone forced to shovel their car out of a snowbank this winter might wonder just how it is a blizzard can occur in a warming climate.

The answer, climate scientists say, may have to do with record sea ice losses in the Arctic.

At a Tuesday news conference, several researchers said that warming conditions in the Arctic may be weakening jet stream currents and causing extreme weather systems to linger in northern mid-latitudes. read more>>>

Driven To Extinction (Google Affiliate Ad)

Is the U.S. Insurance Industry Prepared for Climate Change?
Mar. 8, 2013 - Analysis of first-ever industry-wide survey finds that only 23 of 184 companies have comprehensive climate change strategies, yet some leaders are emerging.

Ceres proposes recommendations to insurers and regulators to maintain insurability in a warming world.

2012 was the warmest year on record in the lower 48 states and the second most extreme weather year in United States history.Insurers are increasingly acknowledging that extreme weather has become the new normal, yet a new report from Ceres finds that many in the industry are only just beginning to think about how to address the effects climate change may have on their business – while a small group of companies is leading the way. read more>>>

Building tune-ups can provide fault detection and diagnosis
March 25, 2013 - Buildings often go through their entire lifecycle without ever being "tuned up." Building commissioning services offer such tune-ups to ensure that a commercial building's equipment and control systems are performing as they should.

The demand for building commissioning services is expanding worldwide with North America driving the market -- accounting for $13.8 billion or nearly half of the $28.8 billion in total worldwide revenue for building commissioning services through 2020, according to Navigant Research. read more>>>

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