Sunday, June 23, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 23 June 2013

Americans consider the environment in what they buy, survey shows
June 20, 2013 - More than half of Americans consider the effects on the environment of products and services they buy, according to a new national survey.

“Consumer behavior has become an important way Americans express their values and concerns, leading to new products and services, creating and destroying markets, and influencing the policies and actions of companies large and small,” according to the report, Americans’ Actions to Limit Global Warming April 2013, by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center on Climate Change Communication. read more>>>

Obama considers sweeping climate plan
The initiative would probably include limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, an idea that could prompt a battle in the courts and Congress.

June 17, 2013 - The Obama administration is considering a sweeping initiative to address climate change, including the first-ever limits on carbon dioxide from power plants, the country's biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The White House has yet to settle on specific measures, but "we're hearing that existing power plants are definitely in the mix," said a person with knowledge of the deliberations, who, like others, asked not to be identified to talk about White House discussions. An announcement could come by mid-July. read more>>>

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Wisconsin LEDs light up LA's streets
June 19, 2013 - LED street lights from Wisconsin helped the city of Los Angeles complete the largest LED street light replacement program in the world.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said the $57 million project resulted in the retrofitting of 141,089 street lights with LED bulbs.

The new lights reduce energy use by 63% and curb carbon dioxide emissions by more than 47,000 metric tons a year, according to the city. read more>>>

The Switch: America’s electrical grid
The nation’s electric grid touches every aspect of our lives. But few of us give it a second thought. Until something goes awry – when we’re suddenly groping in the dark for flashlights, worrying about what might spoil in the fridge.

Consider this: the average customer loses power for 214 minutes per year, according to a study by Carnegie Mellon that found the United States ranks toward the bottom among developed nations in terms of the reliability of its electricity service. read more>>>

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Global Green USA Announces Commitment at Clinton Global Initiative to Bring Solar Power to Communities Devastated by Hurricane Sandy
JUNE 13, 2013 – Speaking to a global audience at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative America (CGI America) meeting, Global Green USA today announced its Commitment to Action to implement its catalytic ‘Solar For Sandy’ program, which will equip five or more community facilities serving low income residents in New York and New Jersey neighborhoods devastated by Hurricane Sandy with grid-tied, back-up solar energy systems. Global Green’s first, full-scale ‘Solar for Sandy’ project installation will take place this Fall in Red Hook, NY, in collaboration with IKEA, the world’s largest home furnishings retailer.

Global Green President and CEO Matt Petersen announced the project this afternoon onstage at CGI America. He was joined by President Bill Clinton and Tracey Kelly, who leads sustainability efforts at IKEA, the Red Hook installation’s lead funder. IKEA’s Red Hook, Brooklyn store and community was deeply impacted by the storm. read more>>>

Energy Storage for Off-grid and Microgrid Applications
Microgrids range in generating capacity from kW’s to MW’s and provide power to a variety of users ranging from small cell phone towers to large commercial, industrial and military customers. Energy storage is used to enhance the stability and efficiency of microgrids by decoupling the generation source from the load. This is particularly useful for systems with diesel generation or intermittent renewables as the means of electricity production.

Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI™) Energy Storage

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Sharp Unveils the World's Most Efficient Solar Cell!
06/14/13 - About a year ago, Sharp achieved a new solar cell efficiency record of 43.5% by using a lens-based system to focus sunlight directly onto the cells in order to generate electricity. Now, Sharp has done it again. This time, they’ve created a concentrator triple-junction compound solar cell that offers conversion efficiency of 44.4%…all in a tiny package that’s only 4mm x 4mm!

According to PhysOrg, “Sharp’s concentrator triple-junction compound solar cells use a proprietary technology that enables the efficient conversion of sunlight into electricity by means of a stack of three photo-absorption layers, the bottommost of which is made from InGaAs (indium gallium arsenide).” read more>>>

Polymer-Coated Catalyst Protects 'Artificial Leaf'
June 17, 2013 — Due to the fluctuating availability of solar energy, storage solutions are urgently needed. One option is to use the electrical energy generated inside solar cells to split water by means of electrolysis, in the process yielding hydrogen that can be used for a storable fuel. Researchers at the HZB Institute for Solar Fuels have modified so called superstrate solar cells with their highly efficient architecture in order to obtain hydrogen from water with the help of suitable catalysts. This type of cell works something like an "artificial leaf." But the solar cell rapidly corrodes when placed in the aqueous electrolyte solution. read more>>>

Solar-Powered Splash Park Soaks Local Kids Thanks To Reliant
Jun 17, 2013 - Sunshine will play double duty at a Reliant-donated, 2,340 square-foot splash pad play area that opened today in Houston's Fifth Ward. Families and solar panels will soak up the rays, resulting in a community project intended to drench and delight local families and kids. The park will be open annually from May through September and free to anyone who wants to cool off and have fun.

"This project represents both Reliant's commitment to being involved in local projects that benefit our communities as well as our continued passion for innovative energy education," Reliant President Elizabeth Killinger said. "As a parent myself, there's nothing more precious than seeing a child's eyes light up as science comes alive when they experience it. I hope families from Houston's Fifth Ward and surrounding neighborhoods start splashing and learning about solar energy at this new park." read more>>>

UC Berkeley to guide job-training reboot for green economy
June 17, 2013 - California’s Public Utilities Commission has turned to UC Berkeley to coordinate an overhaul of workforce development as part of the statewide effort to curb energy use, mitigate climate change and establish the Golden State as a model green economy.

Beginning this month, the Donald Vial Center for Employment in the Green Economy — part of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at Berkeley — will serve as lead consultant on workforce education and training for California investor-owned utilities’ energy efficiency programs. The $500,000 contract runs through spring 2014. read more>>>

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