31 July 2013 - The Tamil Nadu government has allocated Rs 1,260 crore for the construction of 60,000 solar-powered green houses under phase three of a programme meant to provide houses to underprivileged people.According to an official release, chief minister J Jayalalithaa has allocated the sum for the current fiscal year. read more>>>
July 31, 2013 - Adding a major impetus to the Green Building Movement in India which is being spearheaded by CII's Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), the Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan of the Ministry of External Affairs, has become the first government Office building in New Delhi to be awarded with IGBC's LEED India- New Construction (NC) Gold Rating.Dr. Prem C Jain, Chairman, IGBC and Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General, CII presented the prestigious CII-IGBC Green Building Plaque and Certificate to Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai at a special programme organised at Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan. read more>>>
July 25, 2013 - Oracle’s second annual study of how North American electrical utilities are leveraging smart grid data reports that there has been great progress across the industry since last year.“Utilities are accessing valuable data from a variety of sources in addition to smart meters,” the study’s executive summary concludes, citing “outage management systems, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) history and customer data and feedback.”
But while more than twice as many utilities said they were completely prepared to handle smart grid data than did last year, the majority still are unprepared, according to the Oracle study, “Utilities and Big Data: Accelerating the Drive to Value.” Oracle released the report July 23. read more>>>
Marine species, more than land-based species, are altering their breeding, feeding and migration patterns5 August 2013 - Rising ocean temperatures are rearranging the biological make-up of our oceans, pushing species towards the poles by 7kms every year, as they chase the climates they can survive in, according to new research.
The study, conducted by a working group of scientists from 17 different institutions, gathered data from seven different countries and found the warming oceans are causing marine species to alter their breeding, feeding and migration patterns.
Surprisingly, land species are shifting at a rate of less than 1km a year in comparison, even though land surface temperatures are rising at a much faster rate than those in the ocean. read more>>>
These aren't your father's turbines. They can create more electricity at lower wind speeds and also do a better job of analyzing and predicting the supply of wind energy.Aug 02 2013 - I have something to confess. I am a huge fan of renewable energy, but I never paid much attention to science lessons in school.
That means I get awfully confused at the difference between MW and MWh. I develop a headache at discussion of the “capacity factor” of wind turbines. And I usually have to take a nap if someone starts explaining the market dynamics of “selling electricity to the frequency regulation segments of regional grid power markets”.
But here are a few things I do know: read more>>>
August 04, 2013 - We recently marked the five-year anniversary of a package of energy and environmental policies signed into law by Gov. Deval Patrick in 2008.It’s a proud moment for Massachusetts because what we’ve accomplished together will leave a cleaner environment for future generations.
Through the governor’s leadership, we have created an economic legacy with the birth of a new industry – the Massachusetts clean energy sector. read more>>>
February 13, 2013 - The Office of Fossil Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is the proud owner of a brand new SGI supercomputer. Named High-Performance Computer for Energy and the Environment, or HPCEE for short, the 500 teraflops machine will help NETL scientists undertake a broad range of energy and environmental research, with a focus on coal, natural gas and oil.Growing concern over climate change has led many to reconsider our relationship with fossil fuels, which comprise nearly 60 percent of human-generated CO2 emissions. The reality is that for now, traditional energy sources continue to dominate US energy policy, but there are signs of change. read more>>>
7/31/2013 - The state of Connecticut announced last week that it would build nine “microgrids” to deliver more reliable power, including at the police station in Bridgeport, the naval submarine base in Groton, the St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, and the campus of Wesleyan University. The cost to taxpayers: $18 million.Some readers might say: $18 million? For, what, some backup generators? And what is a microgrid anyway? read more>>>
30 July 2013 - Urban Wind, which has been involved in more than 500 wind turbine projects across the UK, is launching a national education programme aimed at informing the next generation about green energy.It will take its expertise into classrooms and take pupils out into the field to see green energy generation in action.
The firm is currently working on a pilot scheme involving St Christopher's High School in Accrington, Lancashire, before rolling the project out across the UK. read more>>>
31 July 2013 - Britain must "put the foot down on the accelerator" in developing renewable energy, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said today.The statement comes as he prepared to launch a new government strategy for offshore wind power alongside Energy Secretary Ed Davey in Grimsby tomorrow, which he said will set out plans to help make Britain "the cutting-edge green economy in the world”.
Clegg compared climate change sceptics who oppose windfarms and other renewable energy developments to the Luddites who smashed machinery during the Industrial Revolution. read more>>>
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