Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 28 August 2013

The Military Connects Microgrids for a ‘Secure Cluster’ of Power Networks
A new project will link three U.S. Navy microgrids into a mutually reinforcing, power-sharing unit.

August 26, 2013 - Nobody is more interested in microgrids than the U.S. military. The idea of self-sustaining energy islands that can stay on even during grid-wide blackouts is of obvious value to military bases, which can’t let power outages keep them from performing their missions.

But what if those military microgrids could also serve a broader set of purposes, by linking themselves to one another, or even to the grid at large? That’s a question that the U.S. Navy is now striving to answer, via a first-ever project meant to tie three separate microgrids in San Diego, Calif. into a functioning whole. read more>>>

International Indoor Soccer Arena Benefits From Solar Energy
Aug. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- In business, overhead expense refers to an ongoing expense of operating a business. Energy costs are a big component of overhead in many businesses. The International Indoor Soccer Arena (IISA) located in Albuquerque, recently trimmed its overhead expenses by installing a 44.95kW-DC roof mounted solar PV system. August marked the first full billing cycle of solar production since the system was turned on by PNM. The result was that IISA went from a bill of almost $1,500 to a credit of $41.33. They swapped their bill for a check! One year prior, the electric bill showed a usage of 9,520kWh with a bill of $1,428.43. By having solar installed, IISA saw a 103% reduction in their July electric bill.

Gabe Nosseir, owner and general manager of IISA contacted Affordable Solar with the intention of gaining control of the electric costs associated with operating the indoor soccer arena. read more>>>

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Solar Exchange to Unveil Global Solar Marketplace
Cloud-Based Platform Spawns Global Trade Hub for Entire Solar Value Chain

Aug 26, 2013 - Solar Exchange announced today the launch date of its cloud-based commerce platform which automates the buying and selling of goods for the solar industry. Beginning September 9, professionals across the solar value chain will be able to do business with each other utilizing the Solar Exchange trading platform, a new way to buy and sell materials and finished goods on a global basis.

Solar Exchange utilizes online business-to-business (B2B) auctions and request for quote (RFQ) capabilities to facilitate sales and procurement activities. read more>>>

DOE, State Of New Jersey Partner On Microgrid For Transit System
August 26 2013 - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced it will partner with the State of New Jersey, NJ Transit and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to develop a microgrid to help power the state's transit system.

"As we rebuild New Jersey from Superstorm Sandy, I am committed to making our state stronger and more resilient. NJ TRANSITGRID is an important step in that process," says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

“This first-of-its-kind electrical microgrid will supply highly reliable power during storms and help keep our public transportation systems running during natural times of disaster, which is critical not only to our economy, but also emergency- and evacuation-related activities,” he continues. read more>>>

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New tools could save 28B gallons of water annually
August 27, 2013 - Not only do buildings consume 40 percent of the country's energy, but they use vast amounts of another precious resource -- water. Buildings with cooling towers typically use 28 percent of their daily water for cooling. As drought conditions persist across many parts of the country, a new suite of tools could help utilities save U.S. commercial facilities save up to 28 billion gallons of water annually and reduce water demand by 14 to 40 percent.

The tools come from the Environmental Defense Fund -- the result of data produced from pilot projects at AT&T facilities across the United States. read more>>>

ABB positions world's most powerful offshore wind connector in the North Sea
26 August 2013 - ABB has installed the world’s highest-voltage offshore converter station in the North Sea.

In a three-day operation, the 9,300 metric tonne platform (topside) including the converter station was transported offshore by barge around 75 km off the German coast. It was then lifted by the world's largest crane vessel Thialf and positioned on top of the already installed jacket. read more>>>

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USGBC Report Estimates Half of Commercial Construction Will Be Green By 2016
August 26, 2013 - A new report from the US Green Building Council (USGBC) suggests that at the rate green building is growing in the U.S., it may represent more than half of all commercial and institutional construction as soon as 2016.

The USGBC's report, LEED in Motion: People and Progress, measures the individuals and organizations that are driving and benefitting from green building. read more>>>

Albany NY becoming "smart cities" technology hub
August 27, 2013 - The SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE) has acquired the landmark Kiernan Plaza in downtown Albany -- a critical step to spur revitalization of the vacant building into a hub for "smart cities" technology companies, research, education and workforce training.

"The transformation of Kiernan Plaza into the Smart Cities Technology Innovation Center will provide an innovative platform enabling groundbreaking research, education, and workforce training for emerging smart cities technologies," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement. read more>>>

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USGS moves to create climate change vulnerability database
08/20/13 - The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is moving to create a registry of climate change vulnerability to better protect wildlife, ecosystems and dams.

The registry will collect and display information on climate change adaptation projects underway across the country, Laura Thompson, a biologist with the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center, told The Hill. It will pool from federal, state, local and tribal governments, she said. read more>>>

Global warming is real, and it’s our fault — let’s fix it
August 20, 2013 - It’s us.

We did it.

And now we have to fix it.

It’s hard to imagine drawing any other conclusion from the latest news on global warming, this time from the preeminent body on the topic:

The odds are at least 95 percent that human activity is the cause of warming of the planet since the 1950s, a United Nations panel of experts has concluded in a draft report leaked to Reuters and the New York Times. The report, which may change slightly in its details but isn’t expected to deviate from its broad conclusions, will be finalized in late September. read more>>>

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