01/21/13 - The Green Inaugural Ball on Sunday mixed green- and black-tie-festooned congressional clean-energy luminaries with football players, musicians and actors at Washington, D.C.'s Newseum.Hosted by a slew of green and clean-energy groups, will.i.am. of the Black Eyed Peas headlined the event’s musical roster. Other performers included renowned jazz musician Trombone Shorty and soul singer Mayer Hawthorne.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu popped in for perhaps one of his final appearances as a member of the Obama administration. With many of President Obama’s top Cabinet officials already announcing their departures, it is widely expected that Chu is also on his way out. read more>>>
The 'deniers', the mouth pieces for the special interests, are greatly damaging growth in the economy as the rest of the World takes off in Green Economic Growth, that which we had started long ago only to be blocked by same!
21 January 2013 - America’s competitive position in the global clean energy market is at risk because of increased competition abroad and uncertain policies at home, warns a report by the Pew Charitable Trusts.The study, Innovate, Manufacture, Compete: A Clean Energy Action Plan, said that revenue in the clean energy sector worldwide could total $1.9 trillion from 2012 to 2018. Yet round-table discussions with over 100 US industry leaders reveal that the country is at a crossroads: private investment, manufacturing, and deployment of renewable power have been constrained because of the lack of a long-term, consistent energy policy. read more>>>
22 January 2013 - The Swedish research team have published the results of their study in the journal Science in which they show how they have managed to achieve an efficiency level of 13.8 percent using nanowires. The scientists believe this result could pave the way for even more efficient solar cells.“Our findings are the first to show that it really is possible to use nanowires to manufacture solar cells” said Magnus Borgström, the author of the research paper and a specialist in semiconductor physics. “The right size is essential for the nanowires to absorb as many photons as possible. If they are just a few tenths of a nanometre too small their function is significantly impaired.”
The benefits of using nanowires to improve solar cell efficiency is something that is increasingly popular across the globe as a subject of new solar cell research. read more>>>
We started down the road to alternatives some forty years ago, I was installing or on job sites where they were, only to be effectively blocked, by the special interests who today continue with the deniers and paid off government representatives in federal and state, in advancing the growth of another huge profitable industry to what we had already been building in many area's and envied by the rest of the planet. We should have been a World leader in all alternative since that time! As a recent Pew Report says we're falling rapidly behind many, who also have our once innovative trades and manufacturing, in the World Market on alternative products, innovations in along with R&D as to the new, we've ramped up that R&D but for the most part the others build what's developed here as same has been going on for the past some thirty years and growing. The usual are the players for the special interests, brings up thoughts about the secret energy meetings of cheney during the bush administration, they run on jobs and economic growth while doing nothing related to but attack that which we had built taking it down further and behind the others!
The president is expected to use executive and Environmental Protection Agency authority initially to avoid another fight with Congress, but legislation may follow.WASHINGTON — January 22, 2013 - After President Obama finished his inaugural speech Monday, Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills) thanked him for mentioning climate change, a topic environmentalists said Obama had avoided during much of his first term.
"I did more than mention climate change," the president told Waxman.
In discussing the urgency of climate change before a national audience, the president elevated the issue into the top tier of second-term priorities that include fiscal reform, gun control and immigration reform.
"We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations," he said Monday. "Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms." read more>>>
Can we get back to what our granparents, parents built and us older folks grew into only to see it fade away or stagnate, we can if what we do in research and development is manufactured here, trouble is we've already fallen far backwards as those that once envied advance in all those area's and rapidly in alternative energy, even the fossil fuel suppliers. Can we rebuild the innovative into the highly experienced workforce of needed trades workers, learned by working with those already having developed the experience, who knows, it'll take time but there still are some that work the trades here to teach those coming into. Can we reverse what we humans have done, we've come a long way in some area's, remember the damaging acid rains to our forest and causing polluted waterways that would cross state borders, trouble is much of that manufacturing causing wasn't fixed here but just moved to other countries, and we condemn them for causing pollution within their borders and beyond. We've allowed the special interest to control the meme's for far to long, they get wealthier as the masses fall further and further backwards, not sharing in the capital their labor produces while also getting less and less respect in doing so!
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