Friday, January 18, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 18 January 2013

AIR DATE: Jan. 17, 2013 - How Social Entrepreneurs Use Rice Husks to Fuel Micro Power Grids in India

India suffers from chronic power interruptions and failures stemming from energy policies created to court voter blocs. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports on efforts by social entrepreneurs to solve part of India's power problems by creating village-based micro grids.


RATNESH YADAV: The good thing about this rice husk is, it has no alternate uses. It doesn't burn easily, so you can't use it for cooking. You cannot feed it to cattle because it has high silica in it. So it is a waste. It has no value for anybody else. And that is why -- and it is in plenty. Transcript>>>

* * * Young Agents For Change* * *

Green job and internship leads from Orion

Hear From Front-Line Microgrid Developers, Implementers & Users How Microgrids Will Be the Solution to Increase Energy Security, Resiliency and Reliability
** DoD, Navy and Marine Corps Initiatives Toward Smart Microgrid Programs

** State and Government Regulators’ Role in Enhancing Resiliency, including Connecticut’s $15 million Microgrid Pilot Program

** Existing and Future Microgrid Projects Post-Sandy Superstorm, including Case Studies from Princeton University and SDG&E

** End-User Perspectives’ on Commercial Microgrid Applications and Need for Increased Resiliency

The demand for microgrids is growing -- not only for military applications, but also for campus environments in the commercial, government, health care, education, industrial, and other sectors. The unrelenting 2012 Sandy Superstorm had wreaked havoc on the electric grid knocking out power for million. The aftermath left many to reflect on ways to increase building resiliency and emergency back-up reliability, leaving microgrids as a frontrunner solution. read more and register>>>

Green School Makeover Competition
With a fresh start to the new year, there is always optimism about the future -- and what better way to plan for a brighter future than to help our kids? We're inviting K-12 schools across the country to enter our second Green School Makeover Competition for a chance to win $75,000 in funding, along with Global Green USA's technical assistance in seeing the plans through to completion. I visited the winner of our first competition, the Texas School for the Deaf, when they unveiled their green upgrades last spring and I'm happy to report they are already saving energy, reducing water, paper and plastic waste with the changes. You, too, can make tremendous changes at your school. Enter now.

Why Green Is Your Color: A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable Career
January 17, 2013 - Ensuring women are prepared to succeed in a 21st century changing economy is critical to the financial stability of women, their families, and our country. Why Green Is Your Color: A Woman's Guide to a Sustainable Career is a comprehensive manual designed to assist women with job training and career development as they enter into innovative and nontraditional jobs. The guide also provides vulnerable women a pathway to higher paying jobs, and serves as a tool to help fight job segregation. It offers women resources and information they need to enter and succeed in jobs in the emerging green economy. The guide was created to help women at all stages of their careers — whether they are newly entering the workforce, transitioning to new careers, or returning to the workforce — identify and take advantage of opportunities in the clean energy economy. It will help training providers, educators, counselors, and other workforce development professionals promote the recruitment and retention of women in green career paths.

The guide is organized into the following chapters:

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