Monday, May 13, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 13 May 2013

Intelligent Efficiency: Innovations Reshaping the Energy Efficiency Market
A free special report and the official launch of Greentech Media’s Efficiency channel

May 11, 2013 - Greentech Media is pleased to announce our updated and expanded coverage on energy efficiency. As part of our launch, we present a special report on “intelligent efficiency,” a new paradigm emerging in the market based on information awareness and data analytics. We present the first chapter of our report below. For more, you can download the full paper at the bottom of the page.

Chapter 1: How energy efficiency is evolving into "intelligent efficiency" read more>>>

TX energy challenges could be solved with solar
May 9, 2013 - Texas can help ensure the reliability of its electricity supply by deploying more solar energy, especially during the coming summer months which could be marked by extreme heat and drought conditions, according to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas' (ERCOT) Seasonal Assessment of Resource Adequacy (SARA) and the semiannual update to its long-term Capacity, Demand and Reserves (CDR) report.

Five months ago, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) concluded that Texas is the only region in North America not maintaining adequate electric reserves to meet the state's growing demand. read more>>>

Building the Green Economy: Success Stories From the Grassroots

Microgrid market to boom despite drop-off in DOD funds
05/08/13 - The leading independent, daily, professional news journal of the smart grid industry published a story comparing the opinions of electric utility industry luminary and microgrids expert Kurt Yeager of the Galvin Institute with a recent, high-priced report on the state of microgrids in the US and the world. The report authors and Yeager came to similar, important conclusions -- and the article was of such value to the industry that Smart Grid Today publisher Modern Markets Intelligence, Inc., is sharing it with the electricity industry free of charge.

The US microgrid market will thrive over the next several years despite DOD investment in the sector drying up, read more>>>

Spain's Energy-Saving Ego Sport Center Supports a Healthy & Sustainable Lifestyle
05/10/13 - The new Ego Sport Center by Ferrer Arquitectos is a partial renovation of the pre-existing Ismael Moratón Sports Complex. This facility used to house an indoor and outdoor pool used for the Mediterranean Games. The indoor pool was retained and the rest was demolished to make way for a new recreational facility that includes cardio equipment, a work out room, a cafe, a shop, and rooftop sports courts. The new L-shaped building is a two-story volume that sits at the corner of Avenida del Cabo de Gata and Calle Angel Jover. A cutout section at the corner marks the covered entrance to the facility. read more>>>

Designing the Green Economy: The Post-Industrial Alternative to Corporate Globalization

Solar-Powered Cooling Products Available for Home and Business Use
May 9, 2013 - Few companies tackle renewable energy and cost-efficiency with the drive and ambition of US-based EcoSolarCool™. The company's line of solar refrigerators and solar freezers are easy to install, run independently of the power grid, and save money on food and energy bills. These modern marvels can be ordered online and shipped directly to homes and offices in North, Central and South American markets.

EcoSolarCool™ is taking the lessons of Earth Day to heart with its online offerings of solar refrigerators and solar freezers that provide constant reliable and energy-efficient cooling at great value. read more>>>

Microgrids for Military Bases to Surpass $377 Million in Annual Market Value by 2018, Forecasts Navigant Research
May 10, 2013 - Microgrids hold strong appeal for the United States Department of Defense (DOD). Microgrids can reduce the amount of fossil fuels consumed to create electricity by networking generators as a system, and can help integrate renewable energy resources (such as wind and solar) for military installations. Perhaps most importantly, microgrids enable military bases – both stationary and forward operating bases (FOBs) – to sustain operations, no matter what is happening on the larger utility grid or in the theater of operations. According to a recent report from Navigant Research, annual revenue from microgrids for stationary military bases and FOBs will reach $377.8 million by 2018. read more>>>

The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems

Work underway on offshore wind farm opposed by Donald Trump
09 May 2013 - Work is under way today on the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC), the wind farm that is the subject of an ongoing public feud with American billionaire developer Donald Trump.

Supporters believe that once operational, the Centre will lead to pioneering turbine foundation designs being developed at the more than £230million test facility. read more>>>

Report: Green Material Demand To Increase
May 10, 2013 - Demand for green buildings, and the materials that go into them, has remained relatively buoyant during the global recession. And according to a new report, future market growth for green buildings and the commensurate use of green materials will be driven by a combination of policies and regulations that prioritize energy efficiency and green design, the expansion of voluntary certification programs for green buildings, cost reductions for green materials, consumer demand, and growing evidence that green buildings confer quantifiable market advantages. read more>>>

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