04/04/2013 - The hotter, drier climate will transform Rocky Mountain forests, unleashing wider wildfires and insect attacks, federal scientists warn in a report for Congress and the White House.The U.S. Forest Service scientists project that, by 2050, the area burned each year by increasingly severe wildfires will at least double, to around 20 million acres nationwide.
Some regions, including western Colorado, are expected to face up to a fivefold increase in acres burned if climate change continues on the current trajectory.
Floods, droughts and heat waves, driven by changing weather patterns, also are expected to spur bug infestations of the sort seen across 4 million acres of Colorado pine forests. read more>>>
Apr 5 2013 - Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the March unemployment numbers, showing the economy gained only 88,000 jobs. The following is a statement from BlueGreen Alliance Executive Director David Foster:“The longer Congress allows the sequester and sweeping budget cuts to take effect, the longer we’re stifling America’s economic recovery. Today’s jobs report is proof that looming budget cuts and economic uncertainty are weighing down job creation, innovation and our ability to compete globally.
“There is a right way, a wrong way and a best way for government to support job creation in America. The right way is for the government to invest in economic activity during a cyclical downturn. read more>>>
April 4, 2013 - Studies show that tackling short-lived climate pollutants -- such as soot and methane -- results in sooner-rather-than-later benefits for a given region. So although the issue of climate change may not be a top priority for most developing countries, economic, social and health co-benefits might help build a case for reducing these pollutants.Colombia, where preliminary studies show that rethinking garbage disposal might actually be good business, is one country that's interested. read more>>>
The state of offshore wind power is either hugely depressing or an amazing opportunity for growth in green power.Even though records were broken last year in terms of wind power installations, the rate of growth continued to decline compared to previous years. Unfortunately, offshore wind power was, with the exception of a small handful of nations, a sideshow to onshore wind power.
This is particularly striking in the United States, which has the second-largest amount of wind power installed in the world and virtually tied for most new installations last year, where there still is not a single completed offshore wind farm -- even though there are several planned, including the over-a-decade-in-the-works Cape Wind. read more>>>
Apr. 4, 2013 - A call for renewable energy project funding, which potentially totals tens of millions of Euros under NER300, was launched by the European Commission today.NER300 is the EU's funding programme for innovative demonstration projects for renewable energy and carbon capture and storage (CCS). However while no CCS projects qualified for funding as part of the first call in 2011, renewables projects got EUR 1.2 billion - with six wind energy projects granted EUR 273 million total.
'In the first call the wind industry proved how innovative it was, winning a substantial portion of the funding available', commented Vilma Radvilaite, Regulatory Affairs Advisor at the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). read more>>>
Apr. 2, 2013 - Warrendale, PA, USA and New York, NY, USA (PRWEB) April 02, 2013 -- The Materials Research Society (MRS) and Cambridge University Press have announced that they will be launching a new authoritative review journal focusing on energy and sustainability.The new journal, MRS Energy & Sustainability: A Review Journal, http://www.mrs.org/energy-sustainability-journal/, will launch in early 2014. MRS Energy & Sustainability aims to be a high-impact technical review journal focusing on key topics in materials research and development as they relate to energy and sustainability applications.
Published content will be set in an integrated context of scientific, technological, and sociological complexities relating to environment and sustainability. read more>>>
April 04, 2013 - Envision Solar International, Inc. ("Envision Solar")(OTCBB: EVSI), a leading sustainable infrastructure product designer and developer, today announced that the company has successfully completed the engineering, manufacturing and installation of its engineered, pre-fabricated foundations for Solar Tree® Arrays. The first such foundations have received planning department approval and successfully deployed for a Solar Tree® structure deployment in California. A significant improvement from prior methods, this new pre-fabricated foundation is part of Envision Solar's Drag & Drop Infrastructure™ product line that offers much faster, more efficient deployment of the Solar Tree® structures. The foundations were deployed in a few hours rather than several days using a method that creates far less risk and requires far fewer inspections and other time consuming and costly steps than the traditional methods formerly employed. read more>>>
04/04/13 - Habitat for Humanity has established a standard that, by 2013, all Habitat homes in the United States will have, at minimum, an Energy Star rating. Many Habitat affiliates already build to that standard — and beyond. Habitat programs across the United States and around the world emphasize durable construction techniques and energy efficiency, creating healthy homes and communities that are less expensive to operate, more durable and that conserve resources. Click through to see seven innovative and sustainable Habitat projects.The first Passive House in the District of Columbia, the Empowerhouse won first place in the affordability category of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon and received a 2012 Mayor’s Sustainability Award. read more>>>
SUKKUR: As if periods of scheduled load-shedding were not enough, residents of towns in parts of upper Sindh now must also bear with undeclared power. ενεργειακό τζάκι