Thursday, December 5, 2013

Alternative Clean Energy Roundup: 5 December 2013

‘Dithering’ on green economy could cost UK billions, warns TUC
November 25th, 2013 - The failure of UN negotiations in Warsaw to secure global carbon emission reductions, along with David Cameron’s recent comments – in which he allegedly told aides to “get rid of this green crap” – are threatening investment in low-carbon technology and thousands of jobs, the TUC has warned.

The federation of trade unions said that the proceedings in Poland were evidence of government delegates prioritising the interests of energy companies over efforts to curb climate change.

Members of NGOs including the International Trade Union Confederation, Greenpeace, Oxfam and the WWF walked out of the talks before they entered the final day on Friday. In a statement, the organisations warned, “The Warsaw Climate Conference, which should have been an important step in the just transition to a sustainable future, is on track to deliver virtually nothing.” read more>>>

Mayor recognises London “green trailblazers”
25th November 2013 - A group of London entrepreneurs who are boosting the capital’s green economy have been recognised for their innovative sustainable solutions by the Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

The 12 individuals run a range of new businesses – from a project turning waste coffee grounds into biofuel to an online peer-to-peer clothes rental marketplace. The entrepreneurs have been picked to join the Mayor’s London Leaders programme, which showcases green entrepreneurs in the capital.

"It’s vitally important to support and nurture the next generation of entrepreneurs," said the Mayor. "Boosting London’s status as one of the world’s most forward thinking and sustainable cities, these green trailblazers have the ideas, vision and innovation to make life cleaner, greener, and even better in this city and beyond." read more>>>

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Sustainability Leaders Gather For Responsible Business Forum In Singapore
Nov 25 2013 -- Singapore's first carbon neutral event gathered some 500 participants in the city-state on Monday for a series of high-level discussions based on the theme "Transformation, Growth and the Green Economy".

Singapore's Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, officially opened the Responsible Business Forum on Sustainable Development (RBF) at Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands.

The forum, in its second year, is the first of its kind for a large-scale event in Singapore with government, business and civic society leaders taking part.

Significant efforts were made to reduce resource consumption at the event, and all carbon emissions related to the event will be offset in line with its sustainability focus, making it carbon neutral. read more>>>

NREL releases 2012 Renewable Energy Data Book
22 November 2013 - The US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has released the 2012 Renewable Energy Data Book on behalf of the Energy Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The publication is produced by the NREL's Strategic Energy Analysis Center and is an important assessment of U.S. energy statistics for 2012, including renewable electricity, worldwide renewable energy development, clean energy investments, and data on specific technologies.

“The 2012 Renewable Energy Data Book is filled with information-packed charts and graphics, which allows users, from analysts to policymakers, to quickly understand and summarize trends in renewable energy - both on a U.S. and global scale” said NREL Energy Analyst Rachel Gelman. read more>>>

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Walgreens Debuts Nation’s First Net Zero Energy Retail Store Sporting 850 Solar Panels
21 November 2013 - Sporting two wind turbines, nearly 850 solar panels and a geothermal system burrowed 550 feet into the ground, Walgreens (NYSE: WAG) (Nasdaq: WAG) today celebrates the official opening of what is believed to be the nation’s first net zero energy retail store, anticipated to produce energy equal to or greater than it consumes.

Located at 635 Chicago Ave. in Evanston, Ill., the store opens to the public at 11 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 21, following store tours for invited guests by the Walgreens sustainability team and a ribbon cutting by Walgreens executives, government dignitaries and sustainability advocates.

“As we celebrate the grand opening, we begin a one-year effort to operate a retail store that will generate more energy than it consumes. read more>>>

Duke Energy to build three solar projects in Eastern North Carolina
Nov. 25, 2013 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Duke Energy Renewables, a commercial business unit of Duke Energy, has begun construction of three utility-scale solar power projects totaling 30 megawatts (MW) AC in Eastern North Carolina.

The 20-MW Dogwood Solar Power Project is located in Halifax County, near Scotland Neck. The company is also building two 5-MW projects, one in Bertie County near Windsor, named Windsor Cooper Hill Solar. The other, Bethel Price Solar, is in Pitt County, near Bethel. read more>>>

wind turbines

Hillary Clinton tells green builders sustainability is priority
11/22/13 - Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a gathering of 10,000 advocates for green construction Thursday that sustainability must be one of the country’s top priorities.

Clinton, considered an potential contender for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, pulled on her experience as first lady, a U.S. Senator and the nation’s top diplomat during a speech in Philadelphia at a conference at a conference presented by the U.S. Green Building Council. She told the conventioneers that they should continue to talk about their ideas in hopes of swaying more people that it makes ecological and financial sense.

“At the top of any agenda about America’s future, sustainability has to be viewed as one of the key goals,” she said in the speech at Temple University. read more>>>

Brandywine's green campus a state model for efficiency
Hanby-Bush complex earned a LEED Gold certification

Nov. 23, 2013 - When it comes to energy efficient and environmentally friendly school buildings, Hanby Elementary and Bush Early Education Center may be the models for the future.

Everywhere you look on the 80,000-square-foot campus that has housed both schools since opening in January 2012, you can find some way energy is being conserved. read more>>>

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Tide changing for offshore renewable power generation
November 26, 2013 - As countries and regions commit to offshore renewable power generation, demand for high-voltage submarine electricity cables is growing. In fact, the number of installed submarine cables will grow from 110 in 2013 to 304 in 2023, according to a conservative forecast from Navigant Research. From a more aggressive perspective, Navigant projects that number could reach 453 by 2023.

As cable technology advances, more projects, like linking remote land masses and interconnecting national grids, are being proposed that require longer, deeper, and higher-capacity cables. read more>>>

Copper Nanowires Offer Efficient, Inexpensive Approach To Solar Energy Harvesting
November 22, 2013 - Copper adorns the Statue of Liberty, makes sturdy, affordable wiring, and helps our bodies absorb iron. Now, researchers at Duke University would like to use copper to transform sunlight and water into a chemical fuel.

Converting solar energy into storable fuel remains one of the greatest challenges of modern chemistry. One of the ways chemists have tried to capture the power of the sun is through water splitting, in which the atoms of H2O are broken apart so the hydrogen may be collected and used as fuel. Plants do this naturally through photosynthesis, and for half a century, scientists have tried to recreate that process by tinkering with chemical catalysts jumpstarted by sunlight.

Indium tin oxide (ITO) is one material they’ve commonly tried to use. Researchers prefer it for its transparency — which allows sunlight to pass through and trigger the water-splitting reactions — and its ability to conduct electricity. But ITO is far from an ideal material. read more>>>

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